Airtraq - Guided video intubation

Clinical studies

CR#17 Use of the Airtraq as a rescue airway device

Korean J. Anesthesiol 2008; 55: 353~57
Jae Gyok Song, M.D.  Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea

We attempted awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation following topical anesthesia with 4% lidocaine spray three times to induce general anesthesia for distraction osteogenesis of mandibular bone. However, due to a shallow pharyngeal cavity and cranially displaced larynx, we failed to locate the larynx each time and were therefore not able to intubate the patient.
Awake orotracheal intubation using the AOL allowed us to easily intubate the patient. Therefore, we recommend that the AOL be used as a rescue airway device for intubation of difficult airways.

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