Airtraq - Guided video intubation

In patients with cervical spine immobilization
Airtraq outperforms DL and other VL

Alternative intubation techniques vs Macintosh laryngoscopy in patients with cervical spine immobilization: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2015, 1–10, L. Suppan1Geneva University Hospitals,

Results: Twenty-four trials (1866 patients) met inclusion criteria.

Meta analyses could be performed for Airtraq, Airwayscope, C-Mac, Glidescope, and McGrath.

The Airtraq was associated with a statistically significant:

  • a reduction of the risk of intubation failure at the first attempt,
  • a higher rate of Cormack–Lehane grade 1,
  • a reduction of time until successful intubation,
  • a reduction of oropharyngeal complications.

Other devices were associated with improved glottis visualization but no statistically significant differences in intubation failure or time to intubation compared with conventional laryngoscopy.

Conclusions: In situations where the spine is immobilized, the Airtraq device reduces the risk of intubation failure. There is a lack of evidence for the usefulness of other intubation devices.

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Airtraq - Guided video intubation